Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"No Comment"

First of all, I want to thank everyone who has sent me messages and emails of encouragement Your support means more to me than you can know!

I know that some of you have tried to make comments on the blog and they weren’t showing up. 

I’m not exactly a techy wizard.  i.e. I have almost no idea what I’m doing here – which, coupled with a complete inability to read the nerdspeak in the optimistically named “Help” section, means that I have to figure things out by playing around. 

So, I played around with the settings and I think I’ve got it figured out.  At least partially.  Now, instead of all comments going directly to oblivion there are three possible outcomes. 

Option A: The comment will appear on my blog right away.  In which case – yay!

Option B: The comment will go to a secret compartment on my blog where I have to “moderate” it.  Oh the power!!! Ha ha ha.  Ok, really, it means I just have to press ok, and it will appear on my blog.

Option C: The comment will go to the Mysterious Land of Dryer Socks.  In which case, no one can help us.

Thanks again for your comments sent via FB and email, etc.  Love ya!


  1. hahaha....u r getting there with the blogger :)

  2. Hey Katie, just met a children's author today who visited our school. I told her you were a writer too and she said that every second Wednesday of the month, authors and the like meet to chat, network etc. at a place in Toronto that escapes me for the moment. I wrote it down, but left it at work). Anyway, there must be a similar sort of network happening in Ottawa. Also I have a number of a friend you can call regarding the publicist you wanted to get in touch with.
