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I can't find a picture of the end of the world, but here's a nice Goan sunset. |
On Tuesday, when everyone at work is comparing notes on “Where were you during the Rapture?” I will have to sheepishly admit that I forgot all about it until it was over. I think I was in the middle of a long walk along the canal, enjoying the sunshine, tulips, lilacs and blossoms, completely oblivious that Armageddon was creeping up on me.
And a disappointing Armageddon it was too, after all. I mean, Harold Camping promised Major Cataclysmic Events and Disasters didn’t he?
I first became aware of the Impending Doom last summer when I was in Toronto . Somewhere around St. Clair West or Dupont, a gaggle of people got on the subway all wearing the same t-shirts with the date May 21, 2011 written in big letters across the chest. Most of the folks in the group were youngish, clean-cut, professional-looking, and they were all laughing and smiling and having a good time. Rather than prophets of Doom, they looked like an office baseball team out to celebrate a win.
My curiosity got the better of me somewhere around Osgoode Station, and I sidled over to ask what the date on their shirts meant. I was handed a pamphlet explaining all about how I could be saved and zoom up to heaven on the express route on May 21, 2011 if I joined their group.
The pamphlet went on to explain about all of the natural and unnatural disasters that would occur, and the chaos and anarchy that would reign. Sounds pretty exciting, doesn’t it? But so far, nothing has happened.
Not only did the world keep turning, but here in Ottawa , it was an exceptionally beautiful day with no weather at all, let alone the promised tornadoes, earthquakes, plagues of frogs and locusts etc. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero. You would think the Rapture had never happened the way people just kept carrying on.
What a rip off!
But wait! My research, it turns out, was incomplete. Today is just the beginning of the end. It was only the Judgement Day for believers. They have been sent to heaven today, while those of us who are still here – because we don’t believe? – are apparently in for a rough ride for the next five months. THEN the world will totally end.
So I didn’t miss the Big Event after all. Phew.
I did, however, miss the 1st Annual End of the World Party, in Portland , Oregon , sponsored by the Pastafarians. Maybe next year.
So happy belated Rapture, everyone, and enjoy the rest of the long weekend!
P.S. I have to say that I was a bit disappointed that Google didn’t create a special “Google Doodle” for the Rapture today, like they do to commemorate other important dates. (I particularly enjoyed the recent ones celebrating Roger Hargreaves’ Mr. Men books!)
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